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    King Baby Duck's One-on-One: Electric Eel Shock

    posted @ 4/16/2009 01:48:00 PM by King Baby Duck

    When it comes to Japanese metal, no band shines more than Electric Eel Shock. Their heavy guitar riffs mixed in with vibrating bass and smashing drums -- along with their crazy stage antics -- make them one act everyone needs to check out. I had a chance to ask a few questions to the band via email as they were getting ready to finish the new album. (WARNING: PICTURE OF NAKED DRUMMER BELOW!!!)

    You’ve played sold-out shows all over the globe, headlined many rock and metal festivals, and have probably one of the most solid fanbases of any musical act out there. Did you ever think that eleven years ago, when the band first began, that you’d all reach the heights of popularity that you have right now?

    No, never. Even we have not thought we will be on tour outside of Japan when this band began. We are really glad there are so many people supporting us!

    The band originally started out with 11 members (with a horn section, a keyboardist and female backing vocals). At what point did you realize that Electric Eel Shock would work out better as a trio? Did you ever think about bringing back the rest of the original members for a song or two?

    When the band began, it was not actually a “band”. Aki and Kazuto were the original members and all other members were kind of session members. We corrected the other members for each show. So we never play with the same members in each show. And 1 year later, we can not keep going with so many members. All members have gone without Aki, Kazuto and Gian. So we have not had any choice with playing as a trio band.

    In the song “Heavy Metal Vagabond” (from 1999’s “Slayers Bay Blues”) Aki says that he does not like Japanese metal. Why was that, and has his feelings changed about the genre (in metal and even visual-kei)?

    Aki likes bad taste side of Japanese 80’s heavy metal. But he didn’t find something deep flavor about Japanese Metal… He found more interesting things in the music of Black Sabbath or Metallica. His feeling hasn’t changed by the new age of Japanese metal and visual-kei…

    How do you feel about the current Japanese music scene? Do you think more people in Japan are tuning into more indie/heavy-styled bands (i.e.: you, Ling Tosite Sigure, GING NANG BOYZ, BORIS, The50Kaitenz, Maximum the Hormone), or do you think the majority still look at the idols for their musical thirst (such as Johnny’s Entertainment, Morning Musume, Hey! Say! Jump)?

    I don’t know anything about the Japanese music scene. I don’t have any interest with Japanese pop music. I wanna rock!!

    As a lot of people know Gian wears nothing but a cock sock on stage, which is done in respect to the Red Hot Chili Peppers. However many of your peers believe that Gian has perfected the sock-wearing technique, making him the true king of the trademark. Do you agree/disagree, and why?

    I agree. Because he keeps his style longer than RHCP!!!

    Where is your favorite country to play in? Your least favorite?

    I cannot say only one country. Every country we’ve been has good point for us! But I would like to be back in the USA because we have not been back over in 2 years!!!

    You got a Special Thanks mention in The Go! Team’s album “Proof of Youth.” What is the relationship between you two very different but equally great bands?

    Kaori, who is the guitarist, is our old friend. And they are always coming to see our London show. Nice guys! And I also like their music. I like happy songs like them! I really hope to play with them one day.

    For a few years now we’ve been hearing about “Sex, Drugs and Email,” a documentary about Electric Eel Shock’s rise to fame. Will it ever see the light of day?

    It is still under construction…I really hope we will be able to release it this year…

    I heard somewhere that Aki was going to be the original singing voice for Krauser II in the hit movie “Detroit Metal City.” How did this opportunity come about and, dare I ask, why’d it not come to be?

    Why do you know that?? The thing was coming from Sony Japan. They had an audition for that, but they could not find good voice and somebody recommended Aki. But their choice was other guy because EES joined their compilation album…it doesn’t make sense for me.

    You’ve been known to do some great covers (Black Sabbath’s “Iron Man,” 44 Magnum’s “No Standing Still,” AC/DC’s “Back in Black,” Minnie Riperton’s “Lovin’ You”). What is one song that you’d like to cover but still haven’t had the chance to?

    Heavy metal version of "La Bamba!" Or Lizzy Borden’s “Give ‘Em The Axe” I don’t know why, I may love bad taste.

    You’re currently in Okinawa recording your latest album, which is being spent on with money raised by your fans on SellABand. What made you choose the most southern island of Japan instead of Bauhaws Studios in Amsterdam?

    There are several reasons for that. One reason is Gian cannot go out of Japan for a long time. And one reason is that is a resort island and that is where in Japan we can relax! And one more reason is the studio gave us a discount!!

    How do you feel the recording process has been compared to years past?

    Almost finish. Only mix down is left. We are waiting for our mix engineer to be free.

    Does recording help or hinder Aki’s fishing habits? If you don’t mind revealing, what are some good fishing tips our readers can use to make a bigger catch?

    Aki loves fishing, Aki hates recording. He is crazy to fish; he wouldn’t mind dying for fishing… He doesn’t sleep, he always bring his fishing pole on tour. He says “Use Gary Yamamoto’s plastic baits, if you want to catch more.” Because he has a sponsorship with them…

    What can fans of Electric Eel Shock expect of the new album?

    Next one is our 5th or 6th album… Even we can’t count it clearly. Most bands starts to get bored and feel bored themselves from 5th to 6th album… But we never! We are still enjoying it! Because we have 2 sides of EES. One side of EES is keep changing and updating our music style. We are a chameleon, we play funky, jazzy, poppy and of course heavy metal same time. The other side of EES that never changes is the core of our music. We keep making something funny, stupid, lovely but also interesting and sharp. We love EES more than our fans! I think next album has perfect balance of both side of EES. So you will enjoy the new EES sound in the basic EES world.

    Do you have a special message for your American fans?

    Yes, we will be back to US finally this summer!! We will announce soon, just wait and see!

    My thanks to Electric Eel Shock for taking time off from the studio to ask these questions. Look out for their new album later this year, as well as a US tour!

    This is King Baby Duck: Doing the Metal and Killing the Blues with Rock 'N' Roll!

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