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    News to Me: Avatar Movies!?!?

    posted @ 5/26/2009 11:08:00 PM by Ninjasistah
    I know I'm not often available to crawl the entirety of the internet [ninja's do sleep sometimes] but I'm surprised that news of a movie based on the Nickelodeon animated series Avatar: The Last Airbender is in the works got passed me until now.

    Not only will the Avatar movie [called "The Last Airbender"] be live action, but the director attached to the flick is no where near Uwe Boll status.

    M. Night Shyamalan is at the helm of "Airbender" with Dev Patel as Prince Zuko and a cute kid named Noah Ringer playing Aang. While I do not doubt Patel's acting chops, I couldn't find anything about Ringers' work on ye olde interwebs so I'm not sure what he'll bring to the table, but a gal has to have high hopes right? He looks adorable though, and I will continue to hope that they will work on Patel's hair and makeup to help him look more like Zuko and less like Kumar from the Harold and Kumar movies.

    Adding to the confusion is that James Cameron has been hard at work on an IMAX film called Avatar which has less than nothing to do with the Airbender series, but since Mr. Cameron started writing his "Avatar" over ten years ago, poor Shyamalan-a-ding-dong has to call his flick "The Last Airbender" instead of "Avatar: The Last Airbender." I gather that the powers that be do not have much faith that people would be able to tell the difference between the two movies even though one [Avatar] is set in outer space and has a cast of highly recognizable stars [Giovanni Ribisi, Sigourney Weaver, and "new Uhura" Zoe Saldana] versus the flick [Airbender] with the youngsters and new blood [Do you know who Nicola Peltz is? I sure as hell don't.]

    I just hope that neither of these pictures suck. I make no bones about being a huge avatar fan [I own both the DVD collection and the iTunes version so I can watch it on my iPhone when I travel] and the idea of a live action Avatar both interests me and scares me at the same time. At the same time, a sci-fi flick with Ms. Weaver, Mr. Ribisi, and Ms. Saldana has me ready to order tickets online early, which is something I never do.

    When I know more, I 'll share. For now, check out these pictures from "The Last Airbender."

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