reviews. previews. podcast. and more...

Join sisters NinJaSistah and Pandalicious and the rest of the ESH Crew each day as they discuss video games, tech gadgets, anime, manga... pretty much everything within the geek chic lifestyle.

From Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, and PC game reviews, previews, news, and gushings to audience questions and rumor mill seeding galore you'll find it here at ESH!
First Nerdgasm of 2010: ESH@CES Las Vegas!

Goings On

Search through the goodness that is ESH. Want to see if we are writing and chit chatting about the crap you're interested in.




    CES Coverage

    We went to CES and here's what we saw and molested.

    E3 Coverages

    One stop shopping for all of the ESH E3 goodness.

    Xbox 360 Stuffs

    Check out crew rantings on the XB360 platform.

    PS3 Things

    Yeah, we've talked about Sony stuff too, check em out!

    Wii Little Bits

    Get your Nintendo bits and bobbles here.

    Oh Hai! Anime-niacs

    Peep the stuff we've written about on the anime tip.

    Manga Love

    We less than three manga as well, so peep the manga reviews.

    ESH Photo Galleries

    Check out the snapshots we've taken at events and more here...

    Something New Has Been Added

    posted @ 5/02/2009 03:56:00 PM by Ninjasistah
    Just in case you hadn't noticed, a few things have changed around here and I have to say I'm pretty damned pleased about them.

    Welcome to ESH v3.0: The New Hotness

    I am by no means done with the overhaul of the ESH site, but the biggest battles of squeezing into our 3rd anniversary celebration suit have been fought and conquered.

    Let me give you the quick tour: The twitterings have their own section and have been moved over there to the right side of the page, right under the site search and above our ads and affiliates. Make sure you are visiting our affiliates often to help us keep doing what we do.

    We've added a new featured content box called "ESH Features" designed to help you get to our reviews and previews faster. Click on the features tab to glide between topics. Right now it's just major topics like consoles and our photo gallery collections, but we will eventually add PC stuffs and more so peep it often.

    Feel free peep the new hotness and hit us up to let us know what you think of it.

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