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    Why is the Anime Gone?!: An Anime Shortage at Anime Boston

    posted @ 5/28/2009 08:00:00 AM by Pandalicious
    I don't know why it is gone, but I want it back! KThnx!

    Once a year, I, Pandalicious, become enamored with the hint of anime in the air. It calls me, pulls me with the strength of a lover's embrace. I fall in love all over again with anime. It is a three-day fest of rekindled passion...however this year something seemed amiss. There was an unforeseen distance in anime’s eye. Had it met someone else...had it fallen out of love with me?! Was I...falling out of love with it?

    I would say that...the reason for all this stems from a struggling economy. Not that I’m saying that relationships are stable only when there is money mind you. What I'm saying is from the standpoint of a costs money to make costumes; it costs money to get a hotel room. You need money to eat and money to buy. Essentially you need money to burn, and there was a fire...but no burning....

    Convention day grew nearer and nearer and the warmth I’d felt previous felt diminished if to warn me of some subtle disenchantment.

    Unfortunately, this year I didn't arrive to Anime Boston until Saturday. Which to most is the day that the big events take place. The crowd-getter events are never held on Friday or "first" days because most are standing in lines, checking into hotel rooms, and primarily just scoping out the layout, dealer’s room, artist’s alley and the various colors of cosplay. Unfortunately this year, that alluring pull of zany antics did not seem to hold. Anime Boston was still fun and entertaining; it had just...lost some of that flair, some of its energy even.

    Also as an aside, there was no "top dog" in anime this year. Of all my times at this convention, there was always one anime that won the attention of the fandom... I speculated that this year it was going to be Soul Eater. I was wrong. [Which is often the case]

    Granted this year did bring out some heavy hitters that needed our attention. But I was saddened by the lack of a "sea of whomever" [Insert Naurto, Sora, Rikus or Bleach characters].

    The surprising factor that I cannot neglect is the stronger presence of games at this year's event. There were more people cosplaying as game characters than anime characters. This is undoubtedly linked to the release of some popular game titles like: Halo Wars, Street Fighter IV, Soul Calibur 4 and Pokemon Platinum.

    This isn't to say that gaming was left untarnished. Attendance was impacted too.
    It is a sign of the times I guess...

    However there were many smiles, laughs and good times had this year. There will be many more to come! As long as the life of the convention comes back….I WANT IT BACK! ☺

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