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First Nerdgasm of 2010: ESH@CES Las Vegas!

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    The Beginning of Things to Come

    posted @ 7/01/2009 11:55:00 AM by FreeLoader
    Detail is an important aspect of any review. I want to bring you the ins and outs of the games coming to your favorite consoles.

    Some of you might remember me from my article on Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. I'm Bramimond, and I want to bring you the detail that is needed to know whether a game is for you or not. I spend a good amount of time reading reviews on a variety of sites before I decide whether or not it deserves a buy. But I am getting sick of those 4/10s that just use 2 paragraphs of my day to say: "Th!s gaem iz teh sux0r!!1". And let's not forget about those 10/10s that give you the "Bai thiz gam3 cuz it is (insert famous series name) so it MUST be AW3SUM"

    I own a Wii, DS, PS3 and a PSP, and I want to bring you detailed reviews on the top games for each system. My updates will be sporadic as I am not officially a part of the site just yet, but I certainly hope that my reviews will secure me a spot. You’ll have to look to Panda and Ninja for your Xbox information, but I’m sure you won’t have a problem there. Their experience in the matter is well recognized.

    Gaming is in my genes, when I was little my mom was playing the original Legend of Zelda and drawing her own maps for the dungeons. This was before the age of sites like GameFAQs, where gamers had to find their own way through a game. That is the age I was born into, but even the gaming golden ages were filled with games that could make you vomit just from watching footage of it being played. (I’m looking at you E.T.)

    I want to help you find the games that will keep you playing long after you beat that final boss. I’ve been hardcore since the day I was born, and playing games is what I’m about. So look to me for your detailed look into the games that make the consoles great.

    Written by: Bramimond

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