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First Nerdgasm of 2010: ESH@CES Las Vegas!

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    CES Coverage

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    This Makes Me Happy

    posted @ 7/28/2009 12:46:00 PM by Ninjasistah
    I just got a Ubisoft news flash that is helping to make my day better. Ubi is working with Universal Pictures to create a Scott Pilgrim vs. The World video game.

    Because a movie, just isn't enough.

    If you've never checked out the "Pilgrim" comics, you really should. They are quite funny, and just outright fun to be honest. Scott Pilgrim is a slacker in a garage band who falls head over heels for this chick named Ramona and all Scott has to do to is defeat her seven evil ex-boyfriends.

    I always thought that Pilgrim would make a fun video game, as each of Ramona's exes always seemed like a boss battle to me to start with, and you can't miss the large amount of video game references made throughout the comic series. I guess it should not come as a surprise that it had been optioned for a movie and make no mistake I'm looking forward to the movie as it has both the gal that played Bruce Willis' daughter in the last Die Hard movie Mary Elizabeth Winstead as Ramona but also your favorite underdog and mine, Michael Cera a.k.a Evan from Superbad as Scott Pilgrim.

    There is a high probability for a trifecta of awesome here:
    Comic Books = Awesome
    Movie *may be* ≥ Awesome
    Video Game *I PRAY IS* ≥ Awesome

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