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First Nerdgasm of 2010: ESH@CES Las Vegas!

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    CES Coverage

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    Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 Launch Trailer - Whose Side Are You On?

    posted @ 9/15/2009 02:02:00 PM by Douceswild

    Marvel Ultimate Alliance was a big hit when it came out 2006. You were able to play as almost all of your favorite super heroes, wielding their awesome powers. The second installment looks to bring even more excitement to the table.

    Having just recently read the Marvel Civil War Saga, I am thrilled about this game. For those that aren't familiar with the premise of the game and the Civil War Saga, you can read about it here. In short, there were unfortunate events that led to the passing of the Superhuman Registration Act, a law requiring all super heroes and villains to register their powers and secret identities with the government. The purpose was so that those with powers could now be held accountable for their actions as well as be paid (like cops) to fight crime instead of being vigilantes. Some heroes were for the act and some were against it, creating a dividing line between long-time friends and teammates. The two sides were led by Iron-Man, the face and head of the government forces, and Captain America, the leader of the "rebels". Things got really ugly in this saga.

    Check out the trailer for the Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2, due out next week (Sept. 15). Whose side are you on?

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