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    Lively "Corpse Princess" Is Action-Packed!

    posted @ 12/06/2009 11:50:00 AM by King Baby Duck

    From the people who brought us “Evangelion,” “FLCL,” and “This Ugly Yet beautiful World” bring us the series “Shikabane Hime: Aka,” or “Corpse Princess: Aka.”

    The story follows Makina Hoshimura -- an undead girl who has made a deal to kill 108 zombies in order to get into Heaven -- and Ouri Kagami, a boy who helps out at an orphanage and has a talking ghost cat. They meet one night when Ouri sees Makina, appearing dead inside the orphanage’s temple. She is brought to life by Tagami, Ouri’s adopted brother, and disappears from the temple. On the day he is set to move out a fake-vampire who is really a zombie appears, hypnotizing women and drinking their blood. Makina goes after this fake-vampire, and almost loses. Again, she runs into Oori, who finds out he can help Makina regain her strength just by hugging her. With that, Makina goes back and kills the fake-vampires and zombies that stands in her way of getting into Heaven.

    GAINAX is known for doing anime that is the least-bit predictable, and “Shikabane Hime: Aka” is definitely no exception. The show is heavy on the action side, but tilts towards comic relief when appropriate. Plus the characters are sharp and witty, and there is plenty of blood-filled scenes for even classic Grindhouse fans to devour up. Plus, knowing GAINAX, we should be in for some good, trippy fun when it comes to action. I've almost completed the entire series, and so far it hasn't failed to entertain; and with the series (counting the second season) only having twenty-six episodes you can bet that there will be no room for mindless filler.

    "Shikabane Hime: Aka" gets an A-. Funimation Entertainment is currently streaming subtitled episodes of the series on YouTube and their website, so check it out online whenever you’ve got a chance.

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