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    Titan Studio’s Titan of a Game

    posted @ 1/19/2010 01:40:00 PM by FreeLoader

    Who would’ve thought? Two kingdoms filled completely with chubby chasers; extremely violent chubby chasers at that. Well that’s what we get in the game Fat Princess.

    If you’ve ever played capture the flag, and I know you have, then I’m sure you’ve had the same thought that the developers over at Titan Studios had: “Why can’t I feed my team’s flag so that it’s harder to carry for the other team?” Well your dreams have been answered, except instead of a flag, you’re protecting a princess.

    The nice thing is, it isn’t your princess that you’re feeding, it’s the other team’s princess. That way, you can feed her into a sugar coma without really feeling all that bad. Your concern is more on your princess, that other team is feeding into a sugar coma. So the game is a glorified CTF with a new game mechanic to keep it fresh, right? Wrong.

    Fat Princess is not just a huge game of 16 on 16 CTF. It’s also got elements of real time strategy, but instead of playing a general commanding the troops, there is no general, and you are the troops. You can play as 5 very different classes as you work towards achieving a victory for your team.

    As the worker you collect resources (wood and metal) and use those resources to upgrade the classes, build siege weapons (a catapult that launches teammates into the enemy castle) and other assorted ladders and spring boards around the map: generally making things easier for everyone around you. The worker also gets bombs to compliment his axe with an upgrade. The ranger is exactly what you think it is; a bow wielder with a musket as his upgrade. Rangers provide fire from behind the combat and make great guards for the towers strewn about the maps which provide both a tactical advantage as well as another place for workers to bring resources if your team controls them.

    Then you have your support classes, the priest and the mage. Mages can use fire magic which, when charged up can set enemies ablaze. Their attacks can be area of effect or targeted, making them versatile. Their upgrade is ice magic and allows them to freeze enemies for a short period. Priests are the healers and also have area of effect heals, as well as targeted heals. They are perhaps the most important support class as they can keep their teammates in the fight. For the priest’s upgrade they become a dark priest and sap health from enemies, as well as curse them so that they cannot target.

    And of course, the backbone of the team is the warrior. Formerly one of the worst classes, the warrior was slow and had no range. After an update that beefed up the warrior, making him run faster while charging his attacks, he has become essential to winning any match, especially considering the huge amount of health he has over the other classes. Of course an issue arose with the update (which also nerfed the overpowered dark priest) which allows the warrior to use his shield while carrying anything, including the princess. This is frustrating because it allows the warrior to solo-capture a princess and escape the castle with more than half his health. His shield allows him to block incoming arrows and melee attacks.

    Getting past that issue, let’s talk a little more about gameplay. Every class upgrade except for the warrior and priest comes with a second effect. When the worker is upgraded, the worker hat machine produces large bombs that do detrimental damaged to layers and structures, such as castle doors. After upgrading the mage, a potion starts appearing at regular intervals nearby that, when thrown, turns any players within its area of effect into chickens. Finally, the ranger upgrade grants your castle lit torches. When a warrior or ranger stands near one of these torches, it lights their weapon on fire, giving it a damage boost for a short period of time, which serves as an impeccable castle defense.

    There are 3 other classes in the game, the first being the villager which has the lowest health besides the chicken. Villagers have the fastest movement and capture speed, making them the best choice for feeding the princess cake. The only attack they have is a slap which has a chance to stun a player and force them to drop whatever they are carrying. The other two classes are post game only, one being the reaper and the other, a giant chicken. A player turns into one of these for having the highest score in the match, reaper for being on the winning team, and giant chicken for being on the losing team. The player can then lay waste to the other team with the immense damage and health of this class for fun during the intermission between games. Upon death the giant chicken drops a rainbow colored orb which will turn any player into a reaper if they pick it up. The reaper, which is harder to kill than the chicken because he’s a smaller target, drops a handful of said orbs.

    So, sounds like a fun game so far right? Well, there are some issues. The latest update took away the host’s power to kick players. This is good because it stops immature players from kicking players that keep beating their team. It is bad because there is now literally no way to deal with team killers. These people will sit around the worker hat machine and throw the giant bombs at their own team’s castle doors. One way to deal with them is to have an upgraded mage sit at the doors and defuse the bombs with ice magic, but this guarantees that two of your players are now doing nothing to further the goals of the team and puts your team at a serious disadvantage.

    Another silly choice by Titan Studios was to leave team balancing up to the players. Now when a team has more human players than the other, the team with less players will start dropping orbs of their team’s color when they die. These orbs, when picked up, give a player a 300 point bonus and switches him to the opposite team, thus balancing them slightly. Unfortunately even the 300 point bonus does little to justify switching teams when your team is in the lead and controls the key points of the map already. Players can also switch teams at the end of the match, but none of it is mandatory.

    The final odd choice for multiplayer would be the matchmaking. When looking for a game the servers seem to only match you with people of your level. This is great for low level players as there are plenty of people out there in plenty of games. But as you get to the higher ranks of King/Queen, you are in games with only other Kings and Queens, which isn’t that many in contrast to the low level players, so high level players many times will delete their whole game save just so they can play with more people.

    Single player is short and sweet, with a campaign that details the supposed story as to why these two kingdoms are killing each other. It contains one of the game’s hardest trophies to obtain in its gladiate mode. This mode pits you as one of the 5 classes against wave after wave of enemies in an arena like setting.

    The game’s charm really shines in the cel-shaded graphics and cute voices of the characters. Of course when a cute voice yells out “I’ll leave you in pieces like the ice truck killer!” it’s hard not to laugh. The taunts are great, and the bloodbath that occurs in every battle is aesthetically pleasing to any gamer. Nothing better than getting to the battle late right in the middle of the map and seeing the huge amount of bodies and blood strewn across the battlefield.

    The community is still very much alive for this game, but with the issues currently out there it makes it hard to get into, and keep interest for. Hopefully Titan Studios will the cry of the fans and fix what is wrong with this otherwise great game. If you’re looking for a game to blow 15 dollars on and aren’t sure what to get, Fat Princess on the PSN is hours of fun. And at least the voice chat works! *glares knowingly at battlefield 1943*

    Written by: Bramimond

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    Finish what you start...

    It's 2010- Put on your Jetpacks!

    posted @ 1/05/2010 07:00:00 PM by Vichus Smith

    It is every man woman and child's dream to strap on a jetpack, put on a helmet and soar through the skies, thwarting evil along the way.

    There is only one day until we all can download the Dark Void demo, getting vertical like no gamer's gotten vertical before.

    The Dark Void Demo is coming to the PS3 PC and Xbox 360, with the demo available on the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live.

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