
Ok, I'm going to make this quick because I have to get to bed

Monday once again rears it's nasty head, so we give you ESH podcast episode 30 in hopes that you can combat the Monday ho-hums.We sorta, kinda, well, "deviate" a bit from the planned topic slightly more than usual in this

Once again, we have a new podcast episode for you

Once again, it's new podcast day here at ESH, and this one is a doosy!Poor Pandalicious and MagicMysticGrl had to deal with NinJaSistah after she had downed an Amp tall boy and a can of Coke

It's new podcast episode day, and here we have "Episode 25: Scare Tactics" ready for your consuption.In this episode of the podcast MagicMysticGrl talks about Kaku ren Bo, Pandalicious rants about the lack of cultural diversity in the SquEnix Final

A WARNING: This episode contains an abundance of swearing, cursing, and screaming. It is SERIOUSLY NSFW, NSFK, hell