It's another Top 5 episode this week, proudly presented by frequent ESH contributor Douceswild. In this episode he gives his take on the Top 5 Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games, or MMORPGs.He's researched the field thoroughly, spending his own time

It's podcast time once again and the Sistahs have a lively show for you this week. You can get a load of it right here.Pandalicious takes the Mic of a Thousand Truths (M1KT) and talks about an anime she really

It's Monday again and we have a new episode of the podcastThis episode is another gem in the ESH podcast cap people. We change up the order this week and kick the episode off with MagicMysticGrl's review of the

The Sistahs take off on a number of flights of fancy during this week's episode. In all, it's a breezy hour of innuendo, shouting and laughter.Pandalicious kicks off the proceeding by explaining her fascination with Kodocha, an anime series that