HomePodcastESH Podcast Episode #375: The Employees Got a BioShock of Their Very Own.

ESH Podcast Episode #375: The Employees Got a BioShock of Their Very Own.

IG_desktop_1600 It has truly shocked the Boston gaming community.

This week the Sistahs return with the somber news about Irrational Games. Ninja leads the discussion while Panda interrupts her. She doesn't do it intentionally people. They chew the fat as to how this news will impact the Boston Game Development scene.

Panda finishes up with a light journey into Pupa, an anime series that made her hungry...for meat or so we hope.

Here are all the others that walk away without jobs:

If you're under five, you're not listening to us

Alcohol should be used only as a topical medication

Game developer downsizing sounds Irrational to me

I don't want Panda to shut up, I just wish she would

There are plenty of demigods left, just Google it

Cooking Mama 10 feels a little derivative

Where do I stand in line for a digital download?

I don't think it's incestuous?

The opening song is disturbing – I love it

Beware the red butterfly

Death – she had it coming

It's disgusting and so much more

It's the anime that will make you hungry

And here is ESH Podcast Episode #375: The Employees Got A BioShock of Their Very Own.

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Rochelle "NinJaSistah" Hinds and Amanda "Pandalicious" Britton are the founders of ElectricSistaHood (ESH), and co-host of the network's flagship podcast, the ESH Cast. For nearly a decade, they have focused their journalistic efforts on video games and anime. That's - as the kids say these days - what's up.