ESH Cast #418: This Is All Speculation, Because I Don't Know
Don't be surprised, most of the things we tell you about are PURE SPECULATION!
Happy New Year all! Welcome to the first ESHcast of the 2015. Panda and Ninja bring it this week...and by it, we mean anime. Gamers have no fear, we've got a sprinkling of gaming info in here just to keep things more level.
NinJa starts off the show with some news about what was going on with XBL and PSN – or should we say what was going down with XBL and PSN over the holiday – and trust us, it wasn't pretty!
Pandalicious talks anime with a show she is currently watching called "Your Lie in April" and a J-Drama (based on an anime) she absolutely loved called "Future Diary." The drama is called "Future Diary: Another World", and there are plenty of highs (and some lows) in her review of it.
NinJa finishes up the ESH topic sandwich talking about upcoming game releases for 2015, and what she hopes shows up as belated-birthday gifts in 2015.
We are glad to be back for another year, and we hope you are ready to listen.
Raise your glass and really kick 2015 off right with ESH Cast: #418: This Is All Speculation Because I Don't Know.