HomeEventsE3E3 2015 | ESH at Ubisoft Media Briefing

E3 2015 | ESH at Ubisoft Media Briefing

The lights are low, and we're ready for what Aisha Tyler and the Ubisoft team have for us. If you're watching the stream live, join us as we live-tweet the whole event. Use the hashtag #ESHatUbi or just use the app below. It's going to be a fun one!

Live Blog E3 2015 | ESH at Ubisoft

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Rochelle "NinJaSistah" Hinds HBIC of ElectricSistaHood, ElectricSistaHood.com, and most things ESH. Gamer, Web Designer, Geek, Music Enthusiast, Hobbyist Photographer, Social Media Addict... all of these are accurate labels, but deep down I'm just a chick that enjoys all things creative.