frESH Plays | Assassin's Creed Syndicate Jack the Ripper DLC
If you like "Let's Play" videos on YouTube and Twitch, then you're going to love frESH Plays!
What is "frESH Plays"
We've been talking about doing video for quite some time here at ElectricSistaHood. We've talked about it in podcasts, we've read your emails an tweets about needing to do it, and we're finally geared up and ready to do it. (So what if it almost took a decade to make happen, it's finally here.)
frESH Plays are "Let's Play" videos made by the team here at ESH. Our inaugural series features the Jack the Ripper DLC for Ubisoft's Assassin's Creed Syndicate game on the Xbox One.
We'd love for you to be involved with this series becomes. Comment and let us know what games you'd like to see us play next. Share our videos with your friends on Facebook, and Twitter, and subscribe to our channel on YouTube so you'll know when new videos go live.
Without further delay, enjoy the very first frESH Plays | Assassin's Creed Syndicate | Jack the Ripper DLC