New frESHlook |A Tourist Guide to Metropolis and More
It's time for a brand new frESHlook. This week I'm looking at some game stuff, some anime, and more.
Remember that my ratings are only my initial impressions. They are subject to change once I've experienced it.
Tourist Guide to Metropolis
Created to promote the upcoming Batman v. Superman movie, images from a new tour guid of the city of new Metropolis have surfaced, and they look great. Check them outhere.
frESHlook rating
Ushio & Tora
My body is so ready for the second season of the anime series Ushio & Tora I've been a fan of the series for more than a few years, and the new visuals just con. See more here.
frESHlook rating
The Flame In The Flood
A gorgeous game created by some former Irrational Games team members, The Flame In The Flood is scavenger game featuring a girl and her dog. Check out some of the visuals here and then check out the game on Steam (Mac or PC) or Xbox One.
frESHlook rating
frESHlook is a daily feature of the eshnews Twitter feed at 9 p.m. Eastern time, 6 p.m. Pacific. Make sure to follow us on Twitter to catch 'em all!