HomeAnimeNew frESHlook | Heroic Legend of Arslan and More
frESHlook - Heroic Legend of Arslan

New frESHlook | Heroic Legend of Arslan and More

What better way to kick off May than with a brand new frESHlook filled with anime and video game goodness?

Remember that my ratings are only my initial impressions. They are subject to change once I've seen it.

The Heroic Legend of Arslan

frESHlook - Arslan

I wasn't ready for "The Heroic Legend of Arslan" season 1 to end, so needless to say I'm glad to see new visuals for season 2 have surfaced.

frESHlook rating (3.5/5)

War Thunder

frESHlook - War Thunder

I'm not a massive fan of war-battle MMO games, but even I have to admit that the early screenshots from the War Thunder MMO game look good. Almost good enough to make me want to play the game...almost.

frESHlook rating (3.5/5)


frESHlook - Stellaris

Space never looked as good as this art from Stellaris, which is coming May 9. We wrote a piece about it a little while back and the screens still look like something you'd see on the space channel. (Or at least something hosted by Neil Degrasse Tyson

frESHlook rating (4/5)

frESHlook is a daily feature of the eshnews Twitter feed at 9:45 p.m. Eastern time, 6:45 p.m. Pacific.

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Rochelle "NinJaSistah" Hinds HBIC of ElectricSistaHood, ElectricSistaHood.com, and most things ESH. Gamer, Web Designer, Geek, Music Enthusiast, Hobbyist Photographer, Social Media Addict... all of these are accurate labels, but deep down I'm just a chick that enjoys all things creative.