Duke Nukem returns as you always remembered him
Duke Nukem has been one of the most polarizing figures in the history of video games. In the early 90s, his raunchy adventures through space and strip clubs alike were super fun to sneak when your parents weren't paying attention (sorry Mom…), but since then, Duke really hasn't been the same. After one of the longest development cycles in the history of gaming, Duke Nukem Forever released in 2011.
My biggest gripe was the lack of the Duke Kick (yeah, i know a lot of you hated it, but I didn’t). You would think after Duke Forever that Gearbox would want to release a new Duke Nukem title. I guess while we wait, we could at least celebrate the 20th anniversary of Duke 3D, right? I mean, it is arguably one of the better shooters of the late 90s.
As the title indicates, Duke Nukem is 20 years old, so you can share a cigarette with it, but you still can’t buy it beer. The game has been updated and boasts some cool new stuff. In addition to the original game and updated 3D rendering, the folks at Gearbox have added the following:
- Eight all new levels created by the original designers of Duke Nukem
- All new, original music composed by Lee Jackson, creator of Duke’s original theme
- An all-new, behind-the-scenes commentary by the development team accessible in-game
- The ability to play the game in its original 2D rendition or all-new “True 3D Rendering Mode”
- DukeMatch with up to eight players online
- Re-recorded one-liners by Duke himself, Jon St. John
For any Duke fan, this is a solid grab at $20, especially with the amount of work put in remastering this title. Duke Nukem is a timeless classic and, for the younger generation and returning fans alike, the signature difficulty, gameplay and one-liners alone should give you a good reason to download this.
The game is available now for $19.99 on PS4, Xbox One and PC. Hail to the king, baby!
(Editor's note: For those unfamiliar with the original game, it was called Duke Nukem 3D, but did not have the stereoscopic-vision capability that has been popular this past decade in 3D games and movies. The new version adds some of those rendering techniques.)
Promotional consideration made by Gearbox