HomePodcastESH Cast #563: They should’ve called it Star Wars: Money Grab

ESH Cast #563: They should’ve called it Star Wars: Money Grab

Electronic Arts learned the true meaning of infuriation this week. They crossed the wrong people. And who are the wrong people? The video game players who also frequent social media.

I don't need to explain it all here. Ninja and Panda lay it all out very succinctly in their podcast this week, so you can here it all in there. Suffice it to say that EA won't be making as much money as they would have liked. Players may have to spend a little more time with the game, but they'll be able to afford plenty of caffeinated drinks along the way.

Talk about the Star Wars Battlefront II [Xbox One | PS4 | PS2 | PC] debacle is a little glitch in the Sistahs' plans for their show this week. They had intended to talk only about anime, but got derailed by the EA controversy. That's not to say there isn't plenty of anime talk, though.

Panda's been watching Dies Irae, although she's not sure how to pronounce it. Luckily, correct pronunciation is not a factor in watching it. Of course, after taking in the first two episodes, she may be wishing it required correct pronunciation.

Ninja, on the other hand, talks about the unusual third season of Food Wars. Unlike most other anime, the series has taken a 90-degree turn from its previous two seasons, and very little is the same. Gone is the food porn, and they're trying to push some kind of story. But Ninja's not sure what they're going for, or where they have put all the people who previously worked on the show.

With Black Friday coming up, there's also a little discussion about 4K television sets and their growing importance in video games and content viewing.

So listen to what they have to say. Agree? Disagree? It doesn't matter. Just listen to ESH Cast #563: They should’ve called it Star Wars: Money Grab.

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Rochelle "NinJaSistah" Hinds and Amanda "Pandalicious" Britton are the founders of ElectricSistaHood (ESH), and co-host of the network's flagship podcast, the ESH Cast. For nearly a decade, they have focused their journalistic efforts on video games and anime. That's - as the kids say these days - what's up.