HomePodcastESH Cast 586: It could be a lot worse, but it’s not

ESH Cast 586: It could be a lot worse, but it’s not

Those hopeful words are delivered in the first few minutes of this week's show by Pandalicious.

It matches the hopeful attitude she takes throughout the podcast, even when NinJaSistah talks about the difficulties she's encountered from white, male players when competing in multiplayer games.

If you've ever been any kind of minority participating in online multiplayer games, you probably already know some of the difficulties she speaks of. It's a rough life out there for some people. The people who are not on the receiving end of abuse just sit around and wonder what the big deal is about.

But things are actually getting better for some people, and that's also discussed in this week's show. Gamers with a disability were given a leg up by the announcement of the Xbox Adaptive Controller, which makes it easier for them to participate in gaming.

In addition, Ninja discusses the current anime "Record of Grancrest War," which contains its own royal wedding that didn't go as well as the one in England last week.

So, as Panda aptly says, it could be a lot worse. But it's not.

Give a listen to ESH Cast #586: It could be a lot worse, but it’s not.

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Rochelle "NinJaSistah" Hinds and Amanda "Pandalicious" Britton are the founders of ElectricSistaHood (ESH), and co-host of the network's flagship podcast, the ESH Cast. For nearly a decade, they have focused their journalistic efforts on video games and anime. That's - as the kids say these days - what's up.