ESH Cast #591: The deluxe version is a Battle Royale with Cheese
Sometimes we're more clever than our normal pay grade. For those of you who are unaware, today's title is a homage to the movie Pulp Fiction. For your enjoyment, here is a link to that clip.
This whole topic was brought about by a discussion between Panda and Ninja about battle royale games. And that's just a small sample of what we talk about in this week's show.
Ninja also brings up virtual reality and the upcoming games The Last of Us 2 and Soul Caliber 6. The Sistahs also continue their long-running discussion of the game Detroit: Become Human.
In addition, Panda gives her review of a game she first learned about at PAX East, Cook, Serve ,Delicious! 2!! Now she's gotten a chance to play it and gives her opinion.
And, no matter what game the girls play, they agree with the adage that everything is better with cheese.
We hope you enjoy this cheese-topped show as well: ESH Cast #591: The deluxe version is a Battle Royale with Cheese.
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