HomeEventsPAX EAST 2020 | "Totally Reliable Delivery Service"

PAX EAST 2020 | "Totally Reliable Delivery Service"

Delivering packages can have its rewards. Good exercise, clean fresh air, and even a chance to see the sights of your surroundings. But when it comes to TinyBuild, that isn’t enough to truly satisfy any mail carrier-to-be. Hence why with Totally Reliable Delivery Service (or TRDS, for all those who enjoy a little poo humor), they’re bringing something grander by taking something away: the law of physics.

Within their carnival-based booth, I had the chance to fool around with Totally Reliable Delivery Service. On the giant map are loads of various lands, from the city to the countryside. You and your friends are tasked to deliver many packages, while dealing with hazards and wacky physics. Your controller takes rein of everything, from the way you grab items to how you might run.

As such, the game focuses a lot on a teamwork mentality. Carrying packages and controlling vehicles normally is a two-person job, so having a friend to help with the heavy loading and driving is good to have. But if you try it on your own, it may lead to some hilarity. Watching as your player is rag dolled from one side of the town to the other is a sight that never gets old, with your body flailing like a Looney Tunes character in mid-flight.

With loads of vehicles to choose from comes many moments of craziness. Trying to pilot a helicopter towards your destination is tricky as hell, but watching as your character is holding dear to their life as they’re hanging outside the air vehicle will bring much laughter to your experience. From dune buggies you can ride loop-de-loops on to even a UFO spacecraft, the variety of delivery means results in much outside-the-box thinking when it comes to bringing those packages to their destinations.

It’s hard not to deny the pure fun Totally Reliable Delivery Service will bring to players. Yes, the controls can be a little crazy, but that’s part of the entertaining experience. But with a couple of friends in tow, the latest game from TinyBuild will more than likely delivery plenty of smiles alongside some roughed-up parcels.

Totally Reliable Delivery Service arrives on PC and consoles on April 1st.


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Contributing Editor at ESH since 2008, and host of the No Borders No Race podcast show, which began as a humble college radio program in 2006. My passion for discovering new bands, developers, and Japanese pop culture is what drives me to give you my all in every article published and every podcast recorded.