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First Nerdgasm of 2010: ESH@CES Las Vegas!

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    Entertainment For Your iPod

    posted @ 10/19/2006 05:20:00 PM by Ninjasistah
    I know we talked about these TV show episodes a couple of weeks ago, but it just now dawned on me that I could link to your buying them through the iTunes store on this here website, so here goes.

    First up is the South Park World of Warcraft episode. Why should you buy the episode? Well, even if you aren't a fan of Warcraft, you can appreciate the jokes the SP guys make about how life consuming the game is. I know, I've lost a member of my family to Warcraft. Rehab only works if you let it people.
    South Park - South Park, Season 10B - Make Love, Not WarcraftSo click on the image to be taken to the episode in your iTunes and buy it! It's like, less than two dollah!

    The Office - The Office, Season 3 - The Coup
    Next, for your entertainment pleasure I bring you "The Coup" the episode of NBC's series The Office in which Call of Duty makes a huge appearance. While I suck at Call of Duty I LOVE The Office so do yourself [and myself] a favor and pick this episode up, fall in love with The Office, then, thank me.

    Here It Goes AgainThen we have, I think, one of my all time favorite music videos. I have loved OK GO for a while now. I actually heard about them shortly after they broke loose unto the unsuspecting music scene, and the fact that they make the music they want, with the music videos they want to boot is just awesome.

    AFI - DECEMBERUNDERGROUNDAnd finally, I just got turned on to this band, and I have to say I'm addicted. As soon as I heard the music, I searched out their band on Myspace and requested an add because, well, I dig them that much. AFI is rock passion. I don't know what else I can say about them. Their music just hits me and I can't turn away or not pay close attention.

    Alright, that should be enough to add to your iTunes collection and slap on your iPod for fun. Maybe I'll do one of these a week... call it FRESHpicks or something? Suggest some stuff for your iPod that I have/enjoy/covet my own damn self.


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