reviews. previews. podcast. and more...

Join sisters NinJaSistah and Pandalicious and the rest of the ESH Crew each day as they discuss video games, tech gadgets, anime, manga... pretty much everything within the geek chic lifestyle.

From Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, and PC game reviews, previews, news, and gushings to audience questions and rumor mill seeding galore you'll find it here at ESH!
First Nerdgasm of 2010: ESH@CES Las Vegas!

Goings On

Search through the goodness that is ESH. Want to see if we are writing and chit chatting about the crap you're interested in.




    CES Coverage

    We went to CES and here's what we saw and molested.

    E3 Coverages

    One stop shopping for all of the ESH E3 goodness.

    Xbox 360 Stuffs

    Check out crew rantings on the XB360 platform.

    PS3 Things

    Yeah, we've talked about Sony stuff too, check em out!

    Wii Little Bits

    Get your Nintendo bits and bobbles here.

    Oh Hai! Anime-niacs

    Peep the stuff we've written about on the anime tip.

    Manga Love

    We less than three manga as well, so peep the manga reviews.

    ESH Photo Galleries

    Check out the snapshots we've taken at events and more here...

    Friendly little reminder.

    posted @ 6/16/2007 10:34:00 PM by Monkey Doo
    Tomorrow, or tonight if you are on the East Coast or farther, is a wonderful day. Tonight on Adult Swim there will be a full length episode of Robot Chicken! But not your normal RC....

    That's right, at 10pm Eastern time, a thirty minute, all Star Wars episode of Robot Chicken will be on. But don't worry, if you can't catch it at ten, it will be on every hour, on the hour until Adult Swim ends. (At least around here it is) Don't forget to check it out! Come see Mark Hamill and George Lucas voice over in all their glory!

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