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First Nerdgasm of 2010: ESH@CES Las Vegas!

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    Popes, Devils and Porn

    posted @ 6/20/2007 11:36:00 AM by evermore
    One fun game people like to play when listening to the ElectricSistaHood podcasts is figuring out why a specific podcast derived its name. Since episode 26, all podcasts have been named AFTER the podcast was recorded, and the name has usually come from a comment during the podcast.

    But what about the rejected titles? We've compiled a list of rejected titles from a selection of our recent podcasts and found that many of them have something to do with Popes, devils and porn. Those crazy sistahs.

    An alien, a god and a Prime Minister walk into a bar

    You said meth, I said crack

    I wanna be a guitar hero, too

    It's kind of half true

    A midget and a sumo wrestler? I'd pay to see that

    Nothing at all to do with Bleach

    It's socially acceptable porn

    Worms aren't kosher -- Oy Vey

    Satan is a big, red, throbbing hard thing

    Panda holds her liquor -- in the bottle

    Watching porm with Mom

    Penguins are the devil's minions

    The makers of Bullet Witch aren't so bright

    Let's stop talking about penises, you guys

    How to get rich with toast

    I love being called a bitch

    Ducks are badass

    Happy belated spoiler alert

    They repo'd the squirrel's house

    The Popemobile is pimp

    The undead should keep hitting us up

    I like girl biscuits

    The sound of a thousand birds chirping

    Disease manga of the week

    I was a teenage immortal prince of darkness

    Is my insanity showing?

    He's a werewolf, so he IS an SOB

    The incredible, edible podcast

    DOA: It's not just the kit, it's the kaboodle

    Not a happy funtime in Panda's pants

    Did you make the stinky on the rug?

    The men have no necks and the mother's packing

    Pop your manga cherry with us

    Teen Pope

    Fun with cattle prods

    You open it, then you're in it

    Never confuse a yamika with a yakada

    How to fall in love in seven pages or less

    Too many Peaches

    Not fairly old

    Microsoft Max hung up on me

    Resident Wii-vil

    XBox 360 -- It's fried, not baked

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