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    DMC4: Now With Roses

    posted @ 12/17/2007 01:00:00 PM by Ninjasistah
    For those of us dying to get our hands on Dante this February can breathe a sigh of relief. Capcom has announced that a playable demo of the game will be available on the PLAYSTATION Store and Xbox LIVE Marketplace in early 2008.

    Now, exactly when "early 2008" means I dunno, but early can't come early enough for me. I am a huge fan of the DMC series even after the atrocious and nearly unforgivable DMC2 release, I STILL have love for Dante. That being said, I am a little uncertain about this new title. Am I worried about the graphics? Nope. The screenshots that I've seen so far look great. What about the voice acting? Again, not worried there. I'm reasonably excited about the new Nero character and the addition of badasses Lady and Trish makes me happy in the pants area. So what about the new DMC title gives me pause for the cause?

    This image. This image right here of my sexy hunny bunny Dante holding a rose in his teeth. Sure, the press release says that this rose business is part of a new attack that Dante uses, but I can't help but feel Dante's badassedness slipping away from him. I mean really? Dante finishing off a devastating attack by dropping a rose that he's been carrying in his teeth? Isn't that a bit Don Juan of the master of the cocky one-liners? I sure hope this attack works better in action that in concept.

    Dante needs to be a bad mutha shut my mouth again, not worry about bringing sexy back. Timberlake already tried and failed.

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