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    While Some Gamers Game, Others Rock: L33tStr33t Boys

    posted @ 12/14/2009 11:06:00 AM by Pandalicious

    When Gaming and Music Collide...

    Coming from a geekish background of games, music and anime, it is no wonder why I would fall in love with this anime otaku fantasy game band. I do not use the word love often, but in this case I’ll make the exception. Comprised of an elf on guitar, a guitar hero hero from a far away land as lead vocals, a healer with awesome bass skills and a massive dragon on drums, L33tStr33t Boys brings the worlds of gaming and anime straight to your earholes.

    Unlike all of the other musical entities that have done songs about video games, or have referenced an anime of yesteryear, L33tStr33t Boys raises their geek flag and proudly wags it in your face. Respect it! The band has been around since 2007, however they didn’t make their impact until the debut of their music video for their instant classic “Yuri the Only One” at Anime Boston 2008. It was the talk of the convention, to which I can attest to since I was there.

    Many say they are a boy band, and this is where I will draw the line.

    When I think boy band, I think five 20 somethings, who sing more than they play instruments. I even use the term “sing” loosely, because most boy bands of my time consisted on maybe one or two of the—lets say five—boys singing while the other three harmonize with the “Oohs” “Ahhs” and “Yeahs”. They also made sure to over emphasize the pelvic thrusting and gyrating that made the fan girls swoon.

    L33tStr33t Boys is far from that. They are not a mere boy band; they are a band for our gaming generation.

    It wasn’t until February 2009 that the band released its self-titled debut album and it wasn’t until some few months later that I would be fortunate enough to review it.


    The starting line for any project, whether it be: music, drawing or even podcasting can be a feat all its own. Without people with specialized talents, a release of a video, comic or audio show can show just how novice we can be. L33tSt33t boys rose to the occasion and made sure to make their CD cover art noticeable and easily recognizable to their fans. It was heart warming to be brought back into that original animated music video.
    Result: 5 of 5


    It was great to see that straight away the debut album did not start off with all their already exposed singles. Their range in music genres is highly praised. Other music groups have attempted to show their versatility by doing this and have utterly failed. They were able to find a proper balance between rock, ballads, and pop tunes. All fused with our gaming/geek culture.

    Here is the lineup: They have songs for every occasion: an upbeat love song, a down beat love song, a day boosting song, and a political call to arms song. You name it they have it here, all for your enjoyment.

    Otaku Anthem (I Wanna Live)
    Yuri the Only One
    Guitar Hero Hero
    Pixel Girl
    Leetstreet Fighter
    The Fanboy of the Opera
    Rockstar Games
    In Another Time

    Result 5 of 5

    Overall Result: 10 of 10
    This CD is light, engaging, funny and it is solely meant to be enjoyed. If you take this too seriously then you are missing the point.

    L33tStr33t Boys are not just a band comprised of gamers and anime enthusiasts. They are a triple threat. But don’t take my word for it. Check them out at If that isn’t enough, you can look them up on youtube to see their animated videos. You will not be disappointed.

    On that note here is one of their videos.

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