Episode 121: All WoW and No Play Makes Panda a Dull Girl (No It Doesn't)
If you don't know by now, Monday morning always brings a case of the "Monday's," a disease that affects more than 3 in every 4 people, and the only cure that we've found is to take a dose of a new ESH Podcast episode.
I'm serious. Our podcast has healing abilities. If you are sad or un-happy just listening to the ESH podcast can help clear away some of that sadness. In this episode of the podcast the sistah's chat about the online MMO World of Warcraft: Return of the Lich King, MMO community pros and cons,the difference between existing in a game and playing it, the 3rd person action shooter Gears of War 2 and chat about the new touch screen phones... innovation or just trying to bite into the iPhone style?
If you need an idea of what this episode turned out like, just check out this list of titles that we didn't use:
- Hat Trick? Sounds More Like A Snot Trick
- Mind Of Matter - I Can Make You Sneeze
- Celebrating Tom Cruise's Favorite Holiday
- Layaway Is Just LIke Canine Urine
- 5 Million WoW Fans Can't All Be Wrong
- I Love Watching My Blue Bar Move
- WoW Could Cause You to Make a Pool of Yourself
- That's Not a WoW Tattoo - It's Mom Upside Down
- Don't Expect That Worm to Have an Exit Ramp
- Beware the Death Cam In Gears of War 2
- and finally
- Panda Can Only Take So Much Blood and Gore Before Dinner
Told you, it's a damned fun episode, so grab a cup of hot joe and grab a listen to ESH Podcast Episode number 121: All WoW and No Play Makes Panda a Dull Girl (No It Doesn't)