Weekend RE-Hash
Hear ye! Hear ye! Another Funday is upon us, and due to some unexpected events this week's podcast episode is an oldy but goody.
In this podcast episode we learn that caffeine and sugar do not sit too awful well with the sistahs.
This is especially true if you add prescription drugs to the mix. Poor Pandalicious has a sprained foot during the recording of this episode, but neither the pain nor giddiness of the obvious drug overdose keeps the sistah's from chatting about Spore:Creatures on the DS Lite, RockBand 2 co-operative play on da interwebs, and how the lack of XBox Live can drive lonely ninjas nutzoid.
If you want to get the gist of what the episode is about, check out the titles we didn't use for this one:
- Bomb Ash Is Not Bomb Ass
- There's Always a "Why?" At the End of Sex
- I Am What I Bee
- Double-Stuf Oreos -- That's the Team I Bat For
- The Legend of the Three-Tiered Easy Bake Cake
- The Love Toilet: Our Worst Tangent Ever
- EA Makes Me Want to Use Three Condoms
- Panda's Wielding the Stick of Righeousness
- A Cramp Ruined My White Wedding
- Mentos: The Memory Taker
- and
- I Failed Chemistry, But I Remember Ionic and Covalent Bonds
So sit back and enjoy ESH podcast episode 114: I Said Finger Pluck. FINGER PLUCK!