HomePodcastESH Podcast Episode # 387: Girls will be boys and boys will be Uhura

ESH Podcast Episode # 387: Girls will be boys and boys will be Uhura


We knew you were tribbles when you walked in...

This week the sistahs returns but they've brought some friends with them.

At this year's Arisia convention in Beantown, Panda stretched some of her acting muscles by performing in a gender-swapped original Star Trek radio production of "Trouble with Tribbles".

Joining the sistahs this week are that amazing director: Mindy Klenoff, and assembled cast: Karen Sarao, Sarah Brinks, Lori-Ann Cohen, and Liz Salazar.

(Panda does count in this line-up fyi)

This roundtable has all the goodies you expect from an ESH episode: interesting topics, tangents and people talking about their passionate hobbies.

Unfortunately you will not hear girls making tribble noises here – please note that that was written with extreme sarcasm. These ladies have a lot to share and say so with that out of the way, let me fill you all in on the details.

The Post Meridian Radio Players Present "Trouble With Tribbles" will be performing this Friday and Saturday at Unity Somerville.

Friday night's show is at 8pm and Unity is found at 6 William St, Somerville Ma.
Saturday has two shows one at 2pm followed by an 8pm show.

It is a free show but donations are always appreciated. So if you are in the area and are a Star Trek fan, you will not want to miss this.

Trust me!

So here is ESH Podcast Episode # 387: Girls Will Be Boys and Boys Will Be Uhura

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Rochelle "NinJaSistah" Hinds and Amanda "Pandalicious" Britton are the founders of ElectricSistaHood (ESH), and co-host of the network's flagship podcast, the ESH Cast. For nearly a decade, they have focused their journalistic efforts on video games and anime. That's - as the kids say these days - what's up.