HomeVideo GamesExcellent "Adventures of Pip" A Beautiful Nod To Gaming Classics

Excellent "Adventures of Pip" A Beautiful Nod To Gaming Classics

It warms my heart to see a video game so ripe with imaginative gameplay, great boss battles, and a beautiful nod to classic titles of yore. Tic Toc Games' Adventures of Pip, another love letter to past-gen games that was successfully funded on Kickstarter, is one such game that knows how to put a massive smile on a player's face at around every corner.

First let's jump into what Adventures of Pip is about. Your hero Pip finds himself born a mere pixel in a realm of high-res and low-res characters and worlds. One day the Skeleton Queen kidnaps the princess of the kingdom, and you are the only one who can stop her sinister plans. As you defeat monsters and save villagers Pip will discover new abilities that will help on his adventure.

The biggest trick Pip learns is Evolve/Devolve, which he receives from the ghost of Sir William. Here the hero can transform himself into an 8-bit or 32-bit character, each with their own tricks. As a single pixel Pip can jump higher and float down to the ground; his 8-bit counterpart can punch enemies and wall jump towards bigger heights; and his 32-bit version uses a sword to take down various enemies. As each version of Pip does things differently you'll be given the option to revert back to a lesser-gen version of hisself, with the chance to evolve again when you find a glowing monster in your area. This ability is quite handy when it comes to solving puzzles, finding hidden treasures, and saving distressed villagers.

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Contributing Editor at ESH since 2008, and host of the No Borders No Race podcast show, which began as a humble college radio program in 2006. My passion for discovering new bands, developers, and Japanese pop culture is what drives me to give you my all in every article published and every podcast recorded.