ESH Cast #464: Warning: Don’t Listen to This Before Starting (or Finishing) Marvel’s Jessica Jones
Jessica Jones doesn't wear a mask or a cape, yet she's the hottest new superhero on TV. And, as you can tell from this week's ESH podcast, Ninjasistah and Pandalicious are both big fans.
They devote nearly the whole podcast talking about the Netflix series "Marvel's Jessica Jones." We'll just give you this one caveat: If you've been intending on watching the series, but haven't, you might want to avoid this show for a while. Ninjasistah spoils the entire season -- from start to back.
You can't hardly blame her. It's not the kind of show where you can hold anything back. To leave out any of it is to leave it all out. And you wouldn't listen to a podcast that's 80 minutes of dead air.
In fact, the sistahs talk so much about Jessica Jones that we had to leave out four minutes from the show that you are getting this week. That segment will show up one of these days in one of those "cutting-room floor" clip shows we do on occasion.
So, sit back and listen, if you dare, this week's ESH Cast #464: Warning: Don’t Listen to This Before Starting (or Finishing) Marvel’s Jessica Jones.