ESH Cast #488: All Nerdy, All the Time
If you haven't seen Civil War yet, you're not worried about the thing
The Sistahs open the show with a plaintive warning: There will be spoilers about the Captain America: Civil War movie. But face it, it's been out three weeks and if you haven't seen it by now, you just don't care.
They give the warning anyway, so please be aware. They do spend most of the show on the subject. They also spend time with a new anime, Kizniver, which NinJaSistah finds very enjoyable.
They both take a break from video games this week, but there's a warning that comes with that as well. For at least the next couple of shows, they are going to spend a whole lot of time on video games, what with the E3 show coming up soon in Los Angeles. There will be preview shows and postshow shows and, if the past several years are any indication, probably post-postshow shows.
Non-nerds need not apply. If you enjoy a good, rousing conversation about Javascript while feasting on Memorial Day burgers with friends out in your backyard, this is the kind of podcast your going to enjoy.
So please enjoy ESH Cast #488: All Nerdy, All the Time.