ESH Cast #598: Your gamer cred should be in your fingers, not up on the wall
As the Sistahs determine in this week's podcast, your gamer cred is not measured by the number of consoles that are gathering dust in your closet. Your gamer cred is not the number of Xbox 360 boxes you have displayed on your wall.
Your gamer cred is not your Xbox Gold card. Your gamer cred is not the number of Mario T-shirts you've accrued.
Your gamer cred is not how cool your gamertag name is. Your gamer cred is not how many E3 conferences you've attended. Your gamer cred is not the signature you got of Mark Septic Eye.
Your gamer cred is not the special edition you bought of a game. Your gamer cred is not the customized color you made of your game controller.
Your gamer cred can't be purchased at any price. Your gamer cred is right there in your own hands. Your digits are the measurement of your credibility as a gamer. They've put in a lot of hard work to make you what you are as a gamer.
And don't forget that.
Ninja and Panda also talk extensively about the games Shadow of the Tomb Raider, Call of Duty, 39 Days to Mars and Doodle Date, as well as the movie Logan.
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