ESH Cast #627: That time we couldn’t stop talking about The Facts of Life
If you're expecting a whole podcast with Ninja and Panda talking about the TV show Facts of Life, you're going to be disappointed. The Facts of Life constitutes only a few seconds, but it magically catapults them to yet another tangent.
Tangents are a way of life around the ol' ESH podcast, and this one has its share of tangents. That's because it's a clip show. Ninja has been hanging out with her Xbox MVP buddies all week in Redmond, Wash., so she wasn't around to record. As a result, you get another funny clip show to listen to.
Along with The Facts of Life, the girls also talk about My Little Pony, Rainbow Brite, Gargoyles, Transformers, X-Men, Black Panther, Will Smith and Kingdom Hearts 3.
Panda also talks about her experience with the video game My Big Sister, and likens it to her relationship with Ninja, her own big sister.
So please sit back and enjoy yourself as you listen to ESH Cast #627: That time we couldn’t stop talking about The Facts of Life.
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