HomePodcastESH Cast #633: When sisters buy something, it’s all about leveling up

ESH Cast #633: When sisters buy something, it’s all about leveling up

There's something about sibling relationships that also involve competition. When one sister sees the other getting the advantage, it is natural that she wants to catch up.

That's the case in the relationship between NinJaSistah and Pandalicious. Even though Ninja has five years on Panda, the distance in physical time seems to even out now that Ninja is 40 years old.

Video games allow them to give this competition a convenient name: Leveling up. This leveling-up process has revealed itself many times over the years: Ninja gets a new car, Panda gets a new car.

Now the tables have turned. Panda has just gotten a new house, so what does Ninja want? You guessed it.

It's a process that's not likely to end any time soon. Luckily, since they record this podcast every week, you are the lucky recipient for every chapter of every new competition.

In addition to that, the girls talk about many subjects relating to the coming new consoles expected from Sony and Microsoft. That'll tamp down the Sistahs' competitive urges -- they won't have enough money to buy anything else.

So join us for this week's rollicking chapter, ESH Cast #633: When sisters buy something, it’s all about leveling up.

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Rochelle "NinJaSistah" Hinds and Amanda "Pandalicious" Britton are the founders of ElectricSistaHood (ESH), and co-host of the network's flagship podcast, the ESH Cast. For nearly a decade, they have focused their journalistic efforts on video games and anime. That's - as the kids say these days - what's up.