ESH Cast #634: You flash forward, then you flash back — at least it’s flashy
Time has a funny way of losing track of itself. At least, that's what it seems in Devil May Cry 5.
That's what Ninja reports in this week's podcast. She gives her review of Devil May Cry, letting us know both the good and the bad of the game. At least she found more good than bad. She couldn't say that about its predecessor, Devil May Cry 4.
You'll have to listen to the show to get her full take, but in a nutshell, it's not a bad game if you can manage to play it for free.
Panda also takes a long look at her own past, talking about the upcoming game Catherine Full Body. Panda was a big fan of the original Catherine game, which she played back in 2011, and talked about in several episodes of the show back then -- particularly in Episode 254.
She's all grown up now -- married and all of that, but she was just experimenting with relationships and was probably using the original Catherine game to check out what was to come. And to find out what not to do.
Perhaps somebody out there uses this podcast to map out their own future. And, every week, the future starts here, listening to ElectricSistaHood. Enjoy this week's excursion, ESH Cast #634: You flash forward, then you flash back — at least it’s flashy.
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