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    Left4Dead 2 Revisited

    posted @ 12/19/2009 11:38:00 AM by Pandalicious

    you're done it once, do it again down south!

    The moment when the dust begins to settle and you feel the tightness in your chest fade away is the moment you should panic. Today you are here, tomorrow… who knows for sure? In the realm where Zombies have infected the world, the only thing you can rely on is yourself…and maybe a three other complete strangers. Will you take that chance? You’ve done it once before and you’ll do it again.

    Left 4 Dead 2 revisits the world overrun by mindless hordes of decaying zombies. This time we are taken down south to New Orleans where things have progressed to a far worsened state then in the previous Left 4 Dead. Valve promised gamers a heightened gaming experience. We were waiting for it in the first game, and they delivered in the second.


    When looking at gameplay footage side by side, there is no visual difference in terms of quality. Obviously, since the settings for both games are in two very different geographical areas, the background should play to the strengths and weaknesses of each place. Case in point, in L4Dead 2 our four survivors are in New Orleans. It’s a smaller area in comparison to the first location. Long streets surrounded by high buildings on both sides in an area known for being crowded. New Orleans is famous for its jazz influence; it is a city of blaring noise and action. In a zombie apocalypse however, this place is a homing beacon just a waiting to go off. Anyone trying to navigate through it without making a sound is in for a world of pain and misery.

    In the world of Valve’s first Left4Dead, the survivors were in a much larger city, skyscrapers and subways galore. The tactics needed to navigate rural cities and urban cities are very unique. However the space gave the survivors in this first game gave them more area to be effective in, however this also gave the infected an advantage over them. At least in this newer game, the hordes have to come at us full force and we are much better suited to take them on.

    Could the visuals have been cleaner? Yes, Is the pre-established fanbase going to be upset that it isn’t? No. When running for your life, you aren’t really concerned with how much detail is in that brick building. Survival is a gritty mistress and both games capture that.
    Results 5 of 5


    Essentially the gameplay is the same, the only things that are different are: the incorporation of a much needed melee system, the addition of new specialized infected for the survivors to fight and the integration of a more detailed story.

    Single player:

    Just like before, working together is essential in this cooperative first person shooter. Apparently, the AI didn’t get that memo. Playing this game by yourself is the most painstaking, mind numbing experience you could put yourself through that doesn’t involve playing Demon Souls on the PS3. Unlike with Demon Souls, where you want to persevere, conquer it and feel a tinge of accomplishment, Left4Dead 2 single player leaves you feeling apathetic and ready to move on to the larger scheme of the game.

    If you are playing single player then you are most likely achievement hunting. This is all well and good. It probably is what single player was intended for in the first place because it certainly doesn’t highlight the great aspects of this game.
    Result 2 of 5


    This is where the fun begins. Why play a game designed to test the abilities of four strangers coming together to fight countless zombies and then not partake in it? No matter how humanlike AI has grown to be, it is still computer generated. Reasoning isn’t something that can be programmed. An AI will not verbally warn you when a smoker is restricting them, or care when a tank hurts you so badly that your future children feel it. People will…or at least should. This game will make you care, or will make you laugh at the misfortune of one of your following teammates. It appeases so many kinds of gamers. Valve did their homework and made this game versatile.

    The only downfall about multiplayer doesn’t stem from the game. It comes from players of the game: some get too serious while others aren’t serious enough. The people who recklessly throw themselves in harm’s way just because they can shouldn’t be playing campaign. You should indulge yourself in the other modes of play.
    Result: 5 of 5

    Other modes:

    The only silver lining we got out of Left4Dead was in the only DLC to come from it. This DLC gave one new chapter: The Last Stand. This chapter was only playable in one mode: Survival. Survival returns in Left4Dead2 along with Versus and a new pal called Scavenger. This game emphasizes the need to work together on a common goal: to make it out alive. So why not add the need to rummage around an area littered with debris and undead to get basic items that could in fact save-your-life? Scavenger appeases the survival horror gods with testing the four survivors with the task of gathering gas cans to get some motor running that will save them from their hellish nightmare come true.

    With the right group this can be hordes of fun and entertainment for hours.

    Outside of the standard campaigns that we are used to from the first game, Left4Dead 2 offers just a bit more: Realism is one of them and most likely the best mode to come out of the game. After you have cut your gums on the campaign in all of the standard difficulties associated with any sort of gameplay that is when you try Realism. Keep in mind that once you enter here, the game is not your friend.

    Realism is a mode that allows the four survivors to see just how well they work together. No outlines on weapons: melee or firepower alike; bullets will not magically appear before you, forget about being able to see your teammates from a considerable distance too. All things that can go wrong will. Mother Nature is pissed and she’s taking it out on you. All those comforts from before are a figment of your imagination. It is as real as it can get. Just remember: you opted to play Realism; you only have yourself to blame.

    This mode once mastered, will make you want to play this game in this setting for the rest of your natural life. It will prove just how ready you for that spur of the moment zombie infestation.

    Valve found a way to revitalize their zombie hit and it is thoroughly appreciated.
    Result: 5 of 5

    Now just because I’ve talked about most of the good things about Left4Dead 2 doesn’t mean that there aren’t negative things to say. The major upset about this game was the lack of follow through in some of the areas that we would have liked to see some depth. Lets get started…shall we?

    Lets start of with character development. So in the first game, we got very generic characters: Bill, an old war veteran, Francis, an older biker dude, Louis, a business man who just happens to be black and Zoey, a college aged girl whose college experience has been less than good.

    Valve realized their little boo-boo and decided to give this bunch of people more involved back-stories. So we have: Coach, a portly high-school football coach with a bad knee; Rochelle, a low-level production assistant reporting on the evacuation for a local television station, Ellis, is a laid-back but extremely talkative mechanic; and Nick is a stoic gambler and conman.

    So great, we have backstory but do we get to benefit from these stories: Hardly. We only get a sense of the chemistry between Ellis and Coach. Nick and Rochelle don’t contribute much to the atmosphere besides just being alive and along for the ride. Ellis is probably the most involved character, taking you out of the chaos with a story that usually gets interrupted by Coach a minute or so later. If only Valve had spent a little more time here with the other two would the group worked better cohesively.

    Another issue, I have with this game is with some of the melee choices. Sure a frying pan and guitar seem like great melee ideas but, a frying pan has short range and if you are having lag issues this is not ideal for any horde situation, and as for the guitar, after a few good whacks there won't be much left to your weapon or you for that matter. If a game were going to incorporate a melee system, these weapons would have to have a durability factor to them. No weapon lasts forever especially in this kind of scenario. Though of course the only weapon that has limited use is one of the most effective weapons in the game. This weapon is the chainsaw. So choose wisely what you arm yourself with; it could cost you your life.

    Overall Result: 17 of 20

    I don’t feel I need to reiterate anything that I’ve said above. If you like zombies and testing yourself then rent this game. After you’ve played it and have loved it, go out and buy it. If you walk away from it feeling absolutely nothing, go back to your hello kitty mountain adventure; it will be our little secret.

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