Episode 82: Went To CES And Partied Like A Lohan
Monday again people, so you know we have to bring you a new episode of the ESH podcast. Like the many, many episodes that have come before it this one is chock full of goody goodness.In this weeks episode of the podcast Pandalicious shares her take on the TokyoPop manga King of Thorn while NinJaSistah shares some of the HDTV tech that made an impression on her at this years' CES tradeshow. From the 1.5 inch thick Hitachi TV to Sony's pricey OLED and back round to realistic manga characters, we cover a bit of it all this week.
If you need a better idea of what we cover in this episode, here is the list of the rejected episode titles:
- Parenthetical Notation Will Keep You Legal
- Macs Travel In Packs
- You Can't Take All 42 Inches of My TV
- Who Will Pay $2500 For 11 Inches
- You Can't Be An Artist If You Suck
- Blue Hair And Gold Eyes Are Just Wrong
- The Bronchitasaur? Now We Know Why They All Died
- Marko Owen Is Not A New Swimming Pool Game
- Don't Worry, There's More String On Aisle 5
- Whiney Is My Kryptonite
- Bill Gates Is Becoming A Charity Pimp
- Nature Whoops Sciences' Ass, Everytime
- and
- It's Not The Size of Your LCD, But How You Use It
Grab your mornin' cup of joe and take a listen to ESH podcast episode 82: Went To CES and Partied Like A Lohan!