Good Demo/Bad Demo EXPLOSION! Part 3: Planet Minigolf and Tales of Monkey Island
It's summer, so after you go outside and run around in the sweltering heat, playing demos is the first thing you should be doing!
Ahoy, matey (and all that other stuff landlubbers think is funny about pirate-speak) it's Monkey Island! PC gamers from way back may know this game inside and out. For people who can claim the PS3 as their first console, they're in the dark. Now adventure games are back, and they continue to invade the PC.
Unfortunately, I think that this is not a great transition. You don't have to do much in games like Sam and Max and Monkey Island; hand-eye coordination is not a factor. Still, I feel like the controls were made for PC and little consideration was made in tweaking the controls so the movements are more smooth using your analog controller.
I hope that made any sense. The game itself is good. Just like Sam and Max, Tales of Monkey Island: Chapter1 involves finding items and using them to solve puzzles, and occasionally combining items. Also, it's funny. Not as funny as Sam and Max, though. Another thumbs down goes to the voice actor of Guybrush Threepwood.
I have never played a Tales of Monkey Island game, so I don't know if this guy is the original actor, but he's not very good. In addition to that the female lead, Elaine, is much funnier than he is and is played by a more competent voice actor. Upstatged! That will not stop you from enjoying this adventure game, though. Tales of Monkey Island: Chapter 1 is a good demo.
At first it was hard to love Planet Minigolf.
When I first played the game, I liked the menu design better than the game itself. That's not good.
As I played more and more, I realized that the game wasn't so bad, once you got the hang of it. The game feels a bit stiff. The behavior of the ball is irksome, and the way you swing your club is not my cup of tea. Power-ups are fun, but I would like to have a little more control over where my ball goes, not the funny ways I can send my ball towards the hole.
What sports games might learn from Planet Minigolf is customization. If you're a solo sport, especially, I think being able to outfit your character or give them accessories is fun. I wished customization extended to changing the voice of the announcer. He is highly aggravating and loses his charm after the first time you hear him. Planet Minigolf is a good demo, but I don't would hesitate in recommending a purchase of the full version of this game.