We’re only a few short weeks away from E3 and rumors abound. Everything from hardware to software announcements are expected at the conference, but one of the most talked about topics is Nintendo’s latest console codenamed Project Café. There are things about it that seem too good to be true and others that are hopefully not true. Which are the ones that seem more likely to be factual and which are bogus? Let’s talk about that today.
Hey guess what? It's Monday. Everyone's accounted for, no one got raptured, and we have a new episode of the ESH podcast ready to go.
E3 2011 starts 3 weeks from today, so my mind has officially drifted to what goodies each of the big 3 companies have in store for all of us. While it seems like there will be tons of new software this year, there is also quite a bit of new hardware to play with as well. Not to mention the fact that there will always be some surprises that haven’t managed to have been leaked just yet. So, I’m going to take some time today to go through some of the things I’m looking forward to getting my hands on when ESH takes E3 by storm.
A new Monday, a new podcast episode and this one rang a bit long-ish. (Surprise!)
Our international nightmare is now over. As children in third world countries wondered where their next meal will come from, gamers from Japan, The US, the UK, etc. were screaming, wondering when they could get back to some pwn action. I
Not much to say except that if you are on the fence about getting this game, watch the trailer and then get your pre-order in!
The Brink debut trailer has shown up, and for me this is my first long look at Brink and its gameplay. This is also my first look at what passes for a story in Brink. I'm not saying the story
Nyapire could either turn out to be the cutest thing to ever be created in Japan, or the deadliest threat to all mankind. Hopefully it gets streamed somewhere so we can all find out!
A couple of weeks ago, gamers were met with a very difficult decision. Both Portal 2 and Mortal Kombat came out on the same day. In spite of finances, I decided to make my choice a little easier by getting them both. While I would love to talk about how awesome the co-op in Portal 2 is, alas, I have yet to play it because of the PSN outage. So, what exactly am I planning on discussing today? The impressively deep single-player kontent found within Mortal Kombat, of kourse. See what I did there?