ESH Podcast Episode # 330: Just Face It, Lara's Gonna Die --In a Lot of Ways
I say "Lara" you say "Lora"--Lets call the whole thing Croft!
This monday, the sistahs are thinking alike. It is all about the Tomb Raider talk this week, as the sistahs talk about their experiences on different consoles. Ninja played it on the XBOX360, and Panda got it for the PS3.
now as a warning--Panda swears a MORE than usual in this episode. She calls it passion while others call it the profanity babbling brook. Also there are minor spoilers, but they aren't to the main linear plot of the story.
So if you want to skip the light spoilers than -GO PLAY the game first.
Here were all the would be titles who didn't make it off the island:
Can We Just Agree On How To Ponounce Her First Name?
Lara Croft and the Three-Second Rule
Is It Lesbianism or Simply Teenage Bi-Curiosity?
Tomb Raider Gave Panda a Fear of Dick's Sporting Goods
Happy Monday Everyone. Here is ESH Podcast Episode # 330:Just Face It, Lara's Gonna Die--In a Lot of Ways.