ESH Cast # 451: Hint For Winning: Make Good Life Choices
Turn around IS fair play...right?
Looks like Pandalicious was in a very talkative mood on this week's episode. A new rule has been implemented for NinJaSistah - from this point on she will only be permitted to talk about Bungie's Destiny for a total of FIVE MINUTES in all future shows. When The Taken King drops on September 15th will be an exception, but for all subsequent shows, the NinJa must abide.
This episode gives Panda the soapbox for the majority of the show - much like NinJa's take over a few weeks ago - to talk about her extensive play through of Supermassive Games' Until Dawn.
The game was conceptualized for the Playstation 3 utilizing the Playstation Move controller. However in August 2014, it was re-introduced as a PS4 exclusive and made its way to the global market in 2015. The game earned MUCH praise for its visuals, choice mechanics, and overall game design from Panda, and her light criticism came from the (very noticeable) linear plot of its second half.
Panda nearly gushes about this choose-your-own-adventure survivor-horror experience. Noting that it, "feels like Heavy Rain, Beyond: Two Souls, and the film Cabin in The Woods were put in a blender and pulsed to pure perfection!" With its element of multiple play-throughs yielding different endings, it's a methodical completion-ists' and narrative junkie's dream.
Panda STRONGLY recommends this game to EVERYONE. If you are playing through the game now or are thinking about it - maybe you should hold off on listening to this one and come back to it, when you make it Until Dawn – see what we did there?
Make the right choice and listen to ESH Cast #451: Hint For Winning: Make Good Life Choices