ESH Cast #555: The Sistahs are not on top of their game this week
The weather dramatically changed in Massachusetts recently -- from hot to cold and back hot again, and it's done a number on Ninja and Panda.
It hit Ninja first, affecting her at work on Friday, then carried through the weekend. She couldn't go to the Boston Festival of Indie Games (BFIG) and threatened to take out this week's podcast.
Panda wasn't affected as quickly, and attended BFIG with some friends, but she developed some kind of crud at the show and deteriorated greatly before the podcast recording on Sunday afternoon.
But both of them got their act together and powered through their illnesses in order to bring you a brand new show. So, at least, their fortitude should be applauded.
And the results weren't half bad. Both of them spoke on major topics, like the Ancient Magus Bride anime and Panda's game find at BFIG: Someone Has Died.
In addition, they talk extensively about movies -- current ones, past one and those about to come. Movie and TV subjects include The Inhumans, Guardians of the Galaxy, Thor Ragnarok, Batman V Superman, Birds of Prey and Arrow, as well as anime, such as Attack on Titan.
Considering the fact that they considered taking the week off, you are treated to quite an interesting episode. So listen to ESH Cast #555: The Sistahs are not on top of their game this week.
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