ESH Cast #570: I’m known as the girl who has all the opinions (No, we are)
Opinions are just like the Sistahs from ElectricSistaHood -- everybody has one.
It doesn't matter if you agree or not, anyone who has listened to us for the past 11 years knows that we have an opinion about everything. Even things we don't know anything about.
But one thing we do know about is video games. And we know about anime. And we know what we like. And now you do, too.
We're back with a live show this week after having to deal with the flood that swallowed up Ninja's house a few weeks ago. Ninja's still in temporary housing, but with high-speed internet bandwidth. So she's raring to go with a new show.
With her newfound internet service, she was able to start playing Star Wars Battlefront II [Xbox One, PS4, PC] -- and she gives her first report on her initial play of the game.
Panda, in the meantime, was able to watch the new Cardcaptor Sakura anime. She talks about it, along with Ajin: Demi-Human and the Will Smith Netflix movie Bright.
And, boy, do we have opinions about all that stuff. And for the next hour or so, you can hear it by listening to ESH Cast #570: I’m known as the girl who has all the opinions (No, we are).
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