Live for Love. Die for LOVE!
This week we're talking gadgets, games, and anime - the ESH trifecta - starting with the Apple Watch and working our way to a couple of anime series.
Not to be confused with the living dead, or the walking dead...just good, old-fashioned, "This here thing is no more. It has ceased to be." Unlike this new episode of our weekly podcast, the online streaming game service/platform OnLive has run it's course. The doors are closed, and it's patents have been sold to Sony.
Oh, those lying liars and the lies they tell. This week the sistah's talk anime and gaming, all while battling various colds and illnesses.
And they are probably never-ever getting back together (with Kojima Productions.)
With a title like this you wouldn't believe just how long we talk about Apple
What do you get when you drop the sister's off at Boston's largest video game convention? A couple of tangents and our annual PAX East roundtable podcast!
PAX East is just around the corner – the snow encased corner
In the early days of audio recording and radio broadcasting, there were special lights that indicated if a microphone was on and recording. Those indicators don't really exist anymore when it comes to podcasting, so some people aren't always aware they are being recorded. This is the case when Pandalicious is being recorded for the ESH podcasts.
Better late than never we always say. In this week's show we talk about everything from depressing commercials during the big game, to tabletop games you gotta try and winter season anime series you can't miss. Also tangents