Local multiplayer can be a tricky thing to set up with a group
of friends. With things like a lack of controllers and inexperience
holding some players back, the fun of playing games with your friends in
the room has
The Talos Principle
It says a lot about The Talos Principle when the
puzzles are less mind-blowing than the narrative peppered throughout the
game. This is not to discount the complexity of the varied puzzles,
there are many that tested my
It seems as though no genre of game is too sacred for the investigation
team of Persona 4 to break into. As the series has become more popular,
they’ve broken out of the RPG mold to include a couple fighting
Trading card games were kind of my thing when I was growing up. I dabbled in Magic: The Gathering and even managed to get creamed in a few Pokémon tournaments. It wasn’t until I tried out the Yu-Gi-Oh!
card game