Home2010 (Page 23)

For the first week of march we have Baseball, bike racing and- extreme ass-kicking? I guess there's not really a theme here.

So, here is my first good demo, the aforementioned Just Cause 2

"Alright, we get it. Let's move on with the demo!"

New Monday, new daylight savings time, new ESH podcast episode time. In this episode of the podcast the ladies chat about a few different games and get into it about cheating.

Video game cheating that is.

Finally, the love child of Smilin' Stan Lee and Bones studio, has its own trailer! Heroman is a boy-meets-robot story, dressed up in red, white, and blue. Literally, our robot hero has a stars and stripes design, and his human buddy

In this excerpt from Episode 187 of the ElectricSistaHood podcast, NinjaSistah fills in Pandalicious on the controversy surrounding the lock-in of Infinity Ward's employees at Activision -- and what it means for the future of the Modern Warfare game franchise.

Heavy RainMonday morning newness upon you with a new episode of the Electric Sista Hood podcast, and this one is all about the PS3 title Heavy Rain... mostly.

If you're looking for a free MMORPG that still give you the feeling of playing the top dog at the moment, World of Warcraft, then you've got to give Allods Online a try.

I must've woken up in Bizarro World; that's the only explanation. Here I am watching a Yuri anime comedy that not only isn't perverted, but it contains an actual plot?! AND IT'S GOOD?! Yes, boys and girls, miracles can happen, and 2009's Sasameki Koto is surely one of them.

Yay, I got a video capture card! That means these screen caps will look a bit better. Click on the smaller images to get a full view of the thumbnails.

This is a massive week, because there are a couple of big demos available. My first of 3 good demos is Darksiders: Wrath of War.

Read on!

It's been a while since I checked up on a Massive multiplayer game that is NOT taking place in a fantasy or sci-fi setting.

News has come down from Sony that a fix for PlayStation Network's version of Y2K will be solved in 24 hours. What does that mean for you, my fellow PS3 Fat owners? Well: a) Tread lightly on what you decide to do