ESH Cast #483: If You’re Just Hearing About PAX East, Your Wait Time in Line Is One Year
The gang's all here for the annual ESH Rpundtable
NinJaSistah and Pandalicious are joined by a whole host of characters in this year's reprise of the annual PAX East Roundtable.
Joining them this year are Evan Bourgault, who is known as KingBabyDuck of the B3crew, Robert Workman, also known as theDCD on AListdaily, Edie Sellers, who goes by the name of GamerEdie on GameHounds and Chris O'Regan, better known as Kropotkin on SPOnG.
This wacky crew talks about everything at this year's PAX East -- all their likes and dislikes, all the things they bumped into, the car accidents they saw and the sad manifestation of the results of too many people sharing the same bean bag. Pandalicious once again goes on a tirade about the expensive price of hot dogs. She's never bought a bottle of water at an event at The Colosseum (that's how it's spelled) at Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas.
It's a lot of fun and laughs -- you should have been there. Give it a listen for yourself: ESH Cast #483: If You’re Just Hearing About PAX East, Your Wait Time in Line Is One Year..