HomeAnimeNew frESHlook | Arslan, Paragon, and Even More Anime
frESHlook - Arslan

New frESHlook | Arslan, Paragon, and Even More Anime

Another week, another fresh from my brain-case frESHlook. This week I mix a little video games into the anime mix, and I think you'll enjoy it.

Remember that my ratings are only my initial impressions. They are subject to change once I've seen it.

The Heroic Legend of Arslan

frESHlook - Arslan

If you are new to the anime world, The Heroic Legend Arslan is a must-watch anime. It features a rich story and simply gorgeous visuals. Don't believe me? Well, here are new visuals for The Heroic Legend of Arslan: Dust Storm Dance. which is full of promise. Read more here.

frESHlook rating (3.5/5)


frESHlook - Paragon

We've got some screenshots of the new hero in Epic games' title Paragon, currently in open beta for PS4 and PC. Seriously though, if you have access to either, you should be playing this game. Put down that Overwatch and give Paragon its just due reward. #HeartDatMobaTho Read more here.

frESHlook rating (4/5)

Kiss Him, Not Me


Who doesn't love the reverse harem theme in anime? A bunch of typically gorgeous dudes falling over themselves for the attention of a female lead. Yes, as a lady, this is a story mechanic that I can get behind, and the anime Kiss Him, Not Me is full of it. Read more here.

frESHlook rating (3.5/5)

frESHlook is a daily feature of the eshnews Twitter feed at 9:45 p.m. Eastern time, 6:45 p.m. Pacific.

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Rochelle "NinJaSistah" Hinds HBIC of ElectricSistaHood, ElectricSistaHood.com, and most things ESH. Gamer, Web Designer, Geek, Music Enthusiast, Hobbyist Photographer, Social Media Addict... all of these are accurate labels, but deep down I'm just a chick that enjoys all things creative.